Abstract— This study deals with Quran verses which came with
the directive “Say! (O Muhammad)” as one of its unique locutions in
delivering Allah’s messages. This directive, at a glimpse, bears no
significant meaning because all the verses were intended to be said to
the humanity. In order to analyze the existence of the directive verb
and its performative forces in these verses, a pragmatic approach
based on Speech Act Theory will be applied, perhaps it will lead into
a convince explanation for the existence of the directive...
PENASIHAT 1 (مشرف الكبير)
Ustaz Muhammad Anas B. Al Muhsin
SETIAUSAHA (الأمينة)
Noor 'Adilah Bt. Mat Junoh
TIMBALAN SETIAUSAHA 1 (نائب الأمينة)
TIMBALAN BENDAHARI (نائبة لأمينة الصندوق)
Siti Nur Aqilah Bt. Rosni
PENASIHAT 2 (مناسق المشرف)
Dr. Mohd Hilmi B. Abdullah
PRESIDEN (الرئيس)
Nik Mohd Syazwan B. Nik Mat Daud
Saiful Islam B. Mamat
NAIB PRESIDEN (مساعدة الرئيس)
PRESIDEN (الرئيس)
Nik Mohd Syazwan B. Nik Mat Daud
Saiful Islam B. Mamat
NAIB PRESIDEN (مساعدة الرئيس)
Siti Noraini Bt. Mohd Sukerna
SETIAUSAHA (الأمينة)
Noor 'Adilah Bt. Mat Junoh
TIMBALAN SETIAUSAHA 1 (نائب الأمينة)
Muhammad Zulhilmi B. Mat Saad
TIMBALAN SETIAUSAHA 2 (نائبة الأمينة)
Nor Affidah Bt. Japnar
BENDAHARI (أمينة الصدوق)
Norafidah Bt. Gordani
BENDAHARI (أمينة الصدوق)
Norafidah Bt. Gordani
TIMBALAN BENDAHARI (نائبة لأمينة الصندوق)
Siti Nur Aqilah Bt. Rosni